Memory Hierachy¶
对应教材AppC, Ch2
- Register
- Cache
- Memory
- Storage
- Mechanical Memory
- Electronic Memory
- SRAM - 静态随机访存,经常用来做cache
- DRAM - 动态随机访存,经常用来做memory,有写回刷新操作
- Optical Memory

Cache Concept¶
Cache: a safe place for hiding or storing things. (之前因为临时存放,位置不确定所以无人在意;现在也不安全,attacker可以通过访问cache的时间差知道访问了什么数据)
Cache Hit/Miss: When the processor can/cannot find a requested data item in the cache
Cache Miss 会带来额外的开销:由 Latency, Bandwith 决定。优化过程中要尽可能提升hit的几率、降低cache miss的开销。
Cache Block/Line: A fixed-size collection of data containing the requested word, retrieved from the main memory and placed into the cache. cpu访问cache的单位就是block。cache块取多大合适也是设计cache的一大问题。
Cache Locality:
Temporal locality - 时间局部性: need the requested word again soon
Spatial locality - 空间局部性: likely need other data in the block soon
36 terms of Cache

Four Questions for Cache Designers¶
Caching is a general concept used in processors, operating systems, file systems, and applications.
- Q1: Where can a block be placed in the upper level/main memory? (Block placement)
- Fully Associative, Set Associative, Direct Mapped
- Q2: How is a block found if it is in the upper level/main memory? (Block identification)
- Tag/Block
- Q3: Which block should be replaced on a Cache/main memory miss? (Block replacement)
- Random, LRU, FIFO
- Q4: What happens on a write? (Write strategy)
- Write Back or Write Through (with Write Buffer)
Q1: Block Placement¶
Direct mapped
一个块在 cache 中有一个固定的位置(通常通过取模得到)。
Fully associative
块可以放在 cache 里的任意位置。(不好找)
Set associative
- 块可以在一个组里的任何位置,组里可以放若干个块。
- 直接映射相当于一路组相联,全相联相当于 n 路组相联(n 是 cache 的块数)。
一般情况,\(n\leq 4\)
Q2: Block Identification¶

Q3: Block Replacement¶
- Random replacement - randomly pick any block
Least-Recently Used (LRU) - pick the block in the set which was least recently accessed 最近最少使用 - 时间局部性原理 需要额外的位数来记录访问的时间。一般我们用的是近似的 LRU。
First In, First Out (FIFO) - Choose a block from the set which was first came into the cache
Strategy of Block Replacement
Cache block size is 3, and access sequence is shown as follows.
2, 3, 2, 1, 5, 2, 4, 5, 3, 4
FIFO, LRU and OPT are used to simulate the use and replacement of cache block. (OPT 是一种理想情况,用来衡量算法性能,从未来访问的角度决定替换策略)
Hit rate is related to the replacement algorithm, the access sequence, the cache block size. * 特殊的访问序列:例如thrashing - 一直无法hit,每次都把下一次要访问的替换出去。
- block size:
Stack replacement algorithm¶
有些算法随着 N 增大命中率非下降(当n变大的时候,n大的集合一定包含n小的集合),有些算法随着 N 增大命中率反而会下降。
我们把随着 N 增大命中率非下降的算法称为 stack replacement algorithm:
\(B_t(n)\) represents the set of access sequences contained in a cache block of size \(n\) at time \(t\).
- \(B_t(n)\) is the subset of \(B_t(n+1)\).
LRU replacement algorithm is a stack replacement algorithm, while FIFO is not.
FIFO - Belady现象:
For LRU algorithm, the hit ratio always increases with the increase of cache block.
Using LRU
用栈来模拟 LRU,栈顶是最近访问的,栈底是最久未访问的,每次要替换的时候,替换栈底的元素。通过下面的图可以快速看到栈大小为 n 时的命中率。

LRU Implementation - Comparison Pair Method¶
如何只通过门和触发器来实现 LRU 算法?—— Comparison Pair Method
Basic idea
Let each cache block be combined in pairs, use a comparison pair flip-flop to record the order in which the two cache blocks have been accessed in the comparison pair, and then use a gate circuit to combine the state of each comparison pair flip-flop, you can find the block to be replaced according to the LRU algorithm.
让任何两个 cache 块之间两两结对,用一个触发器的状态来代表这两个块的先后访问顺序(比如 1 表示 A 刚被访问,0 表示 B 刚被访问)。通过门电路对触发器的状态进行逻辑组合,找到最久未被访问的块。
Comparison Pair Method
这里有 3 个 cache blocks A, B, C。那么我们需要 3 个触发器来记录之间的状态。假设 \(T_{AB}=1\) 表示 A 被更近访问,\(T_{AC}, T_{BC}\) 同理。

Hardware usage analysis
假设有 p 个 cache blocks, 我们需要 \(C_p^2=p\cdot (p-1)/2\) 个触发器。
当 \(p\) 超过 8 时,需要的触发器过多,这个算法就不适用了。所以比较对法有一定的局限性。
Q4: Write Strategy¶
Write Hit
Write Through:直接写回到内存。
写到内存的时间较长,这个过程需要 Write Stall,或者使用 Write Buffer(节省stall的时间)。
Write Back:只在 Cache 中写,不写入memory,同时通过一个额外的 dirty bit 表示这个块已经被修改。
Write Miss
- Write Allocate:将要写的块先读到 Cache 中,再写。
- Write Around(no-write allocate):直接写到内存。
- In general, write-back caches use write-allocate , and write-through caches use write-around.

write allocate可以降低miss的rate。
Memory System Performance¶

How to improve
- Reduce the miss penalty
- Reduce the miss rate
- Reduce the time to hit in the cache
- Reduce the miss penalty and miss rate via parallelism
Virtual Memory¶
Why virtual memory?
virtual-physical address translation
- memory protection/sharing among multi-program
Virtual Memory = Main Memory + Secondary Storage(Disk memory reference,为进程的内存提供了更大的空间)
Virtual Memory Allocation
Paged virtual memory
page: fixed-size block
Segmented virtual memory
segment: variable-size block
Paging vs Segmentation

How virtual memory works?¶
Cache 的四个问题在虚拟内存中都有对应。
Q1. Where can a block be placed in main memory?
缺失代价很高,因此我们采用全相联的方式,以降低 miss rate。
Q2. How is a block found if it is in main memory?
Q3. Which block should be replaced on a virtual memory miss?
Least Recently Used (LRU) block, with use/reference bit.
Q4. What happens on a write?
Write-back strategy(往disk里面写开销太大), with dirty bit. 在不得不写回disk的时候再写回。
Page Table¶
Page tables are often large - 存在main memory里面
e.g. 32-bit virtual address, 4KB pages, 4 bytes per page table entry.
page table size: \((2^{32}/2^{12}) \times 2^2 = 2^{22}\) bytes = \(4\) MB -
Logically two memory accesses for data access:
- one to obtain the physical address from page table;
- one to get the data from the physical address;
正常来说页表需要两次内存访问,访问效率低下,因此我们需要 cache page table,即 TLB。
Translation lookaside buffer (TLB)
- tag: portions of the virtual address (VPN);
- data: a physical page frame number (PPN), protection field, valid bit, use bit, dirty bit;
发送 tag (VPN) 尝试匹配,并看访问类型是否违规。如果匹配成功,就把对应的 PPN 送到 Mux,将偏移量加上 PPN 得到物理地址。

Page Size Selection¶
Pros of larger page size
Smaller page table, less memory (or other resources used for the memory map);
Larger cache with fast cache hit;
页更大,所以 cache 命中的时间更短(因为我们需要遍历的页更少)。
Transferring larger pages to or from secondary storage is more efficient than transferring smaller pages;
Map more memory, reduce the number of TLB misses;
TLB miss 次数更少。
Pros of smaller page size
Conserve storage
When a contiguous region of virtual memory is not equal in size to a multiple of the page size, a small page size results in less wasted storage.
Use both: multiple page sizes
Address Translation

L1 cache找指令,L2 cache找数据
Intel Core i7 6700 - 在TLB的时候就分离了I/D TLB
Safety - 由操作系统保护¶
每个进程有自己的page table,独立的,由每个进程自己管理;同时负责权限的管理; 权限层级 - 更高级别的处理器对进程的管理有更高的权限; keys and locks;
MESI协议(Modified, Exclusive, Shared, Invalid)是一种常见的缓存一致性协议,用于多处理器系统中管理缓存数据的一致性。它通过为每个缓存块分配一个状态,确保多个处理器在访问共享内存时能够保持一致性。MESI协议的四种状态分别是:
- Modified(已修改):
- 缓存块已被当前处理器修改,且与主存中的数据不一致。
- 此时,缓存块是“脏”的,只有当前处理器拥有该数据的最新副本。
- 如果该缓存块被替换,需要将数据写回主存。
- Exclusive(独占):
- 缓存块只存在于当前处理器的缓存中,且与主存中的数据一致。
- 当前处理器可以自由读取或写入该缓存块,而无需通知其他处理器。
- Shared(共享):
- 缓存块可能存在于多个处理器的缓存中,且与主存中的数据一致。
- 所有处理器只能读取该缓存块,不能直接写入。如果需要写入,必须先将其他处理器的缓存块置为无效。
- Invalid(无效):
- 缓存块无效,不能被当前处理器使用。
- 如果处理器需要访问该数据,必须从主存或其他处理器的缓存中重新加载。
- Meltdown:利用乱序执行技术,通过对内存的响应时间差来建立一个侧信道攻击,破坏了位于用户和操作系统之间的基本隔离。
- Spectre:预测执行对CPU缓存的影响会被保留,即使预测错误恢复的也是CPU状态而非cache状态。